Mac Microsoft Excel Data Analysis

Posted : admin On 03.04.2020

Perhaps the most common Data Analysis tool that you’ll use in Excel is the one for calculating descriptive statistics. To see how this works, take a look at this worksheet. It summarizes sales data for a book publisher.

  1. Data Analysis Excel Mac 2011
  2. Microsoft Excel Data Analysis 2007

In column A, the worksheet shows the suggested retail price (SRP). In column B, the worksheet shows the units sold of each book through one popular bookselling outlet. You might choose to use the Descriptive Statistics tool to summarize this data set.

To calculate descriptive statistics for the data set, follow these steps:

  1. Click the Data tab’s Data Analysis command button to tell Excel that you want to calculate descriptive statistics.

    Excel displays the Data Analysis dialog box.

  2. In Data Analysis dialog box, highlight the Descriptive Statistics entry in the Analysis Tools list and then click OK.

    Excel displays the Descriptive Statistics dialog box.

  3. In the Input section of the Descriptive Statistics dialog box, identify the data that you want to describe.

    • To identify the data that you want to describe statistically: Click the Input Range text box and then enter the worksheet range reference for the data. In the case of the example worksheet, the input range is $A$1:$C$38. Note that Excel wants the range address to use absolute references — hence, the dollar signs.

      To make it easier to see or select the worksheet range, click the worksheet button at the right end of the Input Range text box. When Excel hides the Descriptive Statistics dialog box, select the range that you want by dragging the mouse. Then click the worksheet button again to redisplay the Descriptive Statistics dialog box.

    • To identify whether the data is arranged in columns or rows: Select either the Columns or the Rows radio button.

    • To indicate whether the first row holds labels that describe the data: Select the Labels in First Row check box. In the case of the example worksheet, the data is arranged in columns, and the first row does hold labels, so you select the Columns radio button and the Labels in First Row check box.

  4. In the Output Options area of the Descriptive Statistics dialog box, describe where and how Excel should produce the statistics.

    • To indicate where the descriptive statistics that Excel calculates should be placed: Choose from the three radio buttons here — Output Range, New Worksheet Ply, and New Workbook. Typically, you place the statistics onto a new worksheet in the existing workbook. To do this, simply select the New Worksheet Ply radio button.

    • To identify what statistical measures you want calculated: Use the Output Options check boxes. Select the Summary Statistics check box to tell Excel to calculate statistical measures such as mean, mode, and standard deviation. Select the Confidence Level for Mean check box to specify that you want a confidence level calculated for the sample mean.

      Note: If you calculate a confidence level for the sample mean, you need to enter the confidence level percentage into the text box provided. Use the Kth Largest and Kth Smallest check boxes to indicate you want to find the largest or smallest value in the data set.

      After you describe where the data is and how the statistics should be calculated, click OK. Here are the statistics that Excel calculates.

      MeanShows the arithmetic mean of the sample data.
      Standard ErrorShows the standard error of the data set (a measure of the
      difference between the predicted value and the actual value).
      MedianShows the middle value in the data set (the value that
      separates the largest half of the values from the smallest half of
      the values).
      ModeShows the most common value in the data set.
      Standard DeviationShows the sample standard deviation measure for the data
      Sample VarianceShows the sample variance for the data set (the squared
      standard deviation).
      KurtosisShows the kurtosis of the distribution.
      SkewnessShows the skewness of the data set’s distribution.
      RangeShows the difference between the largest and smallest values in
      the data set.
      MinimumShows the smallest value in the data set.
      MaximumShows the largest value in the data set.
      SumAdds all the values in the data set together to calculate the
      CountCounts the number of values in a data set.
      Largest(X)Shows the largest X value in the data set.
      Smallest(X)Shows the smallest X value in the data set.
      Confidence Level(X) PercentageShows the confidence level at a given percentage for the data
      set values.

Here is a new worksheet with the descriptive statistics calculated.

Mac Microsoft Excel Data Analysis

You can move beyond the visual regression analysis that the scatter plot technique provides. You can use Excel’s Regression tool provided by the Data Analysis add-in. For example, say that you used the scatter plotting technique, to begin looking at a simple data set. You can then create a scatterplot in excel. And, after that initial examination, suppose that you want to look more closely at the data by using full blown, take-no-prisoners, regression.

To perform regression analysis by using the Data Analysis add-in, do the following:

  1. Tell Excel that you want to join the big leagues by clicking the Data Analysis command button on the Data tab. Mac restore microsoft activation keys.

  2. When Excel displays the Data Analysis dialog box, select the Regression tool from the Analysis Tools list and then click OK.

    Excel displays the Regression dialog box.

  3. Identify your Y and X values.

    Use the Input Y Range text box to identify the worksheet range holding your dependent variables. Then use the Input X Range text box to identify the worksheet range reference holding your independent variables.

    Each of these input ranges must be a single column of values. For example, if you want to use the Regression tool to explore the effect of advertisements on sales, you enter $A$1:$A$11 into the Input X Range text box and $B$1:$B$11 into the Input Y Range text box. If your input ranges include a label, select the Labels check box.

  4. (Optional) Set the constant to zero.

    If the regression line should start at zero — in other words, if the dependent value should equal zero when the independent value equals zero — select the Constant Is Zero check box.

  5. (Optional) Calculate a confidence level in your regression analysis.

    To do this, select the Confidence Level check box and then (in the Confidence Level text box) enter the confidence level you want to use.

  6. Select a location for the regression analysis results.

    Use the Output Options radio buttons and text boxes to specify where Excel should place the results of the regression analysis. To place the regression results into a range in the existing worksheet, for example, select the Output Range radio button and then identify the range address in the Output Range text box. To place the regression results someplace else, select one of the other option radio buttons.

  7. Identify what data you want returned.

    Select from the Residuals check boxes to specify what residuals results you want returned as part of the regression analysis.

    Similarly, select the Normal Probability Plots check box to add residuals and normal probability information to the regression analysis results.

  8. Click OK.

    Excel shows a portion of the regression analysis results including three, stacked visual plots of data from the regression analysis.

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    There is a range that supplies some basic regression statistics, including the R-square value, the standard error, and the number of observations. Below that information, the Regression tool supplies analysis of variance (or ANOVA) data, including information about the degrees of freedom, sum-of-squares value, mean square value, the f-value, and the significance of F.

    Beneath the ANOVA information, the Regression tool supplies information about the regression line calculated from the data, including the coefficient, standard error, t-stat, and probability values for the intercept — as well as the same information for the independent variable, which is the number of ads. Excel also plots out some of the regression data using simple scatter charts.

Data Analysis Excel Mac 2011

Microsoft Excel Data Analysis 2007

Sep 02, 2016 How to Calculate Descriptive Statistics in Excel 2016 for Mac Using the Data Analysis Toolpak. This video shows you how to install the Data Analysis Toolpak which comes free with Excel 2016 for Mac. Oct 29, 2015  Since the release of Excel 2016 for Mac, customers have given great feedback about its ease of use and the benefits of the new features. We want to highlight the Excel 2016 for Mac features that customers rave about and share some tips and tricks that could save you a ton of time using the most powerful spreadsheet and data analysis tool on the Mac platform. Microsoft Excel is the industry leading spreadsheet program, a powerful data visualization and analysis tool. Take your analytics to the next level with Excel 2016. Follow these steps to load the Analysis ToolPak in Excel 2016 for Mac: Click the Tools menu, and then click Excel Add-ins. In the Add-Ins available box, select the Analysis ToolPak check box, and then click OK. If Analysis ToolPak is not listed in the Add-Ins available box, click Browse to locate. Microsoft Excel for Mac is the world’s most famous and widely used spreadsheet editing application. Originally developed by the Microsoft in 1987, this software received numerous expansions of capabilities, making it the go-to source for spreadsheet editing, use of graphing tools, pivot tables, macro programming, and much more.