Microsoft Intelligent Services Mac

Posted : admin On 09.04.2020
  1. Office Intelligent Services In Word
  2. Intelligent Services Word
  3. Microsoft Intelligent Services Macbook
  4. Microsoft Office Intelligent Services Mac
  5. Microsoft Word Intelligent Services

Overview of the Background Intelligent Transfer Service technology.

Microsoft remote desktop error code 0x204 mac mojave. Jan 13, 2016  I can remote desktop in from a PC but not from CORD on my Mac. So following the advice above i downloaded MICROSOFTS's remote desktop. And as soon as i tried to remote into my Win10 box, a message come up about generating a security certificate for this user. I said Yes, and boom! Remote desktop ed in perfectly! May 09, 2019  A bit more precisely, what program is being used for remote desktop? I am using Microsoft's Remote Desktop program from the Apple App store. I think it is version 10.something and in the past year or two replaced the older Remote Desktop (version 8.something). Dec 11, 2018  Error: 0x204 when trying to connect to server using Microsoft remote desktop app on Mac Hello Team, I have a Mac and was using MS Remote Desktop.

To develop Background Intelligent Transfer Service, you need these headers:

Jan 17, 2019  What are Office Intelligent Services? Put simply, Office Intelligent Services (OIS) are dynamic, cloud-based services that provide useful extra functions to make your work better. As an example, Microsoft offers a translation feature that will translate a section of text or a whole document. This is an OIS feature that is only available for O365 users who have the “Enable Services” checkbox. Nov 28, 2017  In order to use these Intelligent Services though we must enable them, otherwise some features such as Design Ideas for PowerPoint, Smart Look Up for Word, the Editor for Word and Outlook, may not have the results desired. Microsoft needs to be. May 13, 2017 The Intelligent Kiosk is a Windows 10 Universal App showcasing workflows and experiences using Microsoft Cognitive Services. Microsoft Cognitive Services let you build apps with powerful algorithms using just a few lines of code. They work across devices and platforms such as iOS, Android, and Windows.

For programming guidance for this technology, see:


BG_AUTH_SCHEMEDefines constants that specify the authentication scheme to use when a proxy or server requests user authentication.
BG_AUTH_TARGETDefines constants that specify whether the credentials are used for proxy or server user authentication requests.
BG_CERT_STORE_LOCATIONDefines constants that specify the location of the certificate store.
BG_ERROR_CONTEXTDefines constants that specify the context in which the error occurred.
BG_JOB_PRIORITYDefines constants that specify the priority level of a job.
BG_JOB_PROXY_USAGEDefines constants that specify which proxy to use for file transfers. You can define different proxy settings for each job.
BG_JOB_STATEDefines constants that specify the different states of a job.
BG_JOB_TYPEDefines constants that specify the type of transfer job, such as download.
BITS_FILE_PROPERTY_IDDefines constants that specify ID values corresponding to background copy file properties.
BITS_JOB_PROPERTY_IDDefines constants that specify the ID of the property for the BITS job.
BITS_JOB_TRANSFER_POLICYDefines constants that specify ID values corresponding to BITS properties.
GROUPPROPThe GROUPPROP enumeration defines the constant values for retrieving and setting group property values.


AddFileAdds a single file to the job.
AddFilesUse the AddFiles method to add one or more files to download to the job.
AddFileSetAdds multiple files to a job.
AddFileWithRangesAdds a file to a download job and specifies the ranges of the file you want to download.
CancelDeletes the job from the transfer queue and removes related temporary files from the client (downloads) and server (uploads).
CancelGroupUse the CancelGroup method to remove the group from the queue. Files completely downloaded before calling this method are available to the client. You can cancel a group at anytime; however, the group cannot be recovered once it is canceled.
ClearHelperTokenDiscards the helper token, and does not change the usage flags.
ClearPeersRemoves all peers from the list of peers that can serve content.
ClearRecordsRemoves all the records and files from the cache.
CloneCreates another IEnumBackgroundCopyFiles enumerator that contains the same enumeration state as the current one.
CloneCreates another IEnumBackgroundCopyJobs enumerator that contains the same enumeration state as the current one.
CloneCreates another IEnumBitsPeerCacheRecords enumerator that contains the same enumeration state as the current one.
CloneCreates another IEnumBitsPeers enumerator that contains the same enumeration state as the current one.
CloneUse the Clone method to create another IEnumBackgroundCopyGroups enumerator that contains the same enumeration state as the current one.
CloneUse the Clone method to create another IEnumBackgroundCopyJobs1 enumerator that contains the same enumeration state as the current one.
CompleteEnds the job and saves the transferred files on the client.
CreateGroupUse the CreateGroup method to create a new group and add it to the download queue.
CreateJobCreates a job.
CreateJobUse the CreateJob method to add a new job to the group. A group can contain only one job.
DeleteRecordDeletes a record and file from the cache. This method uses the record's identifier to identify the record to delete.
DeleteUrlDeletes all cache records and the file from the cache for the given URL.
DisableBITSUploadsUse the DisableBITSUploads method to disable BITS upload on the virtual directory to which the ADSI object points. This method sets the BITSUploadEnabled IIS extension property.
DiscoverPeersGenerates a list of peers that can serve content.
EnableBITSUploadsUse the EnableBITSUploads method to enable BITS upload on the virtual directory to which the ADSI object points. This method sets the BITSUploadEnabled IIS extension property.
EnumFilesRetrieves an IEnumBackgroundCopyFiles interface pointer that you use to enumerate the files in a job.
EnumGroupsUse the EnumGroups method to retrieve a list of groups that the current user owns. If the current user has Administrator privileges, the method returns all groups in the queue.
EnumJobsRetrieves an interface pointer to an enumerator object that you use to enumerate the jobs in the transfer queue. The order of the jobs in the enumerator is arbitrary.
EnumJobsUse the EnumJobs method to retrieve a list of jobs in the group. The list contains only one job.
EnumPeersGets an IEnumBitsPeers interface pointer that you use to enumerate the peers that can serve content. The enumeration is a snapshot of the records in the cache.
EnumRecordsGets an IEnumBitsPeerCacheRecords interface pointer that you use to enumerate the records in the cache. The enumeration is a snapshot of the records in the cache.
FileRangesTransferredBITS calls your implementation of the FileRangesTransferred method when one or more file ranges have been downloaded. File ranges are added to the job using the IBackgroundCopyFile6::RequestFileRanges method.
FileTransferredBITS calls your implementation of the FileTransferred method when BITS successfully finishes transferring a file.
get_GroupIDUse the get_GroupID method to retrieve the group's identifier.
get_JobIDUse the get_JobID method to retrieve the job's identifier.
get_SizeUse the get_Size method to retrieve the size of all files in the group to download.
GetCleanupTaskUse the GetCleanupTask method to retrieve an interface pointer to the cleanup task associated with the virtual directory.
GetCleanupTaskNameUse the GetCleanupTaskName method to retrieve the name of the cleanup task associated with the virtual directory.
GetClientCertificateRetrieves the client certificate from the job.
GetConfigurationFlagsGets the configuration flags that determine if the computer serves content to peers and can download content from peers.
GetCountRetrieves a count of the number of files in the enumeration.
GetCountRetrieves a count of the number of jobs in the enumeration.
GetCountRetrieves a count of the number of cache records in the enumeration.
GetCountRetrieves a count of the number of peers in the enumeration.
GetCountUse the GetCount method to retrieve a count of the number of groups in the enumeration.
GetCountUse the GetCount method to retrieve a count of the number of jobs in the enumeration.
GetCustomHeadersRetrieves the custom headers set by an earlier call to IBackgroundCopyJobHttpOptions::SetCustomHeaders (that is, headers which BITS will be sending to the remote, not headers which BITS receives from the remote).
GetDescriptionRetrieves the description of the job.
GetDisplayNameRetrieves the display name for the job. Typically, you use the display name to identify the job in a user interface.
GetErrorRetrieves the error code and identify the context in which the error occurred.
GetErrorRetrieves the error interface after an error occurs.
GetErrorContextDescriptionRetrieves the description of the context in which the error occurred.
GetErrorCountRetrieves the number of times BITS tried to transfer the job and an error occurred.
GetErrorDescriptionRetrieves the error text associated with the error.
GetErrorDescriptionRetrieves a description for the specified error code.
GetFileRetrieves an interface pointer to the file object associated with the error.
GetFileUse the GetFile method to retrieve the remote and local file names for the given file in the job.
GetFileACLFlagsRetrieves the flags that identify the owner and ACL information to maintain when transferring a file using SMB.
GetFileCountUse the GetFileCount method to retrieve the number of files in the job.
GetFileModificationTimeGets the date and time that the file was last modified on the server.
GetFileRangesGets the ranges of the file that are in the cache.
GetFileRangesRetrieves the ranges that you want to download from the remote file.
GetFileSizeGets the size of the file.
GetFilledFileRangesReturns the set of file ranges that have been downloaded.
GetGroupUse the GetGroup method to retrieve a group from the download queue.
GetHelperTokenFlagsReturns the usage flags for a token that is associated with a BITS transfer job.
GetHelperTokenSidReturns the SID of the helper token if one is set.
GetHttpMethodRetrieves a wide string containing the HTTP method name for the BITS transfer. By default, download jobs will be 'GET', and upload and upload-reply jobs will be 'BITS_POST'.
GetIdRetrieves the identifier used to identify the job in the queue.
GetIdGets the identifier that uniquely identifies the record in the cache.
GetJobRetrieves a specified job from the transfer queue. Typically, your application persists the job identifier, so you can later retrieve the job from the queue.
GetJobUse the GetJob method to retrieve a job from the group.
GetLastAccessTimeGets the date and time that the file was last accessed.
GetLocalNameRetrieves the local name of the file.
GetMaximumCacheSizeGets the maximum size of the cache.
GetMaximumContentAgeGets the age by when files are removed from the cache.
GetMaximumDownloadTimeRetrieves the maximum time that BITS will spend transferring the files in the job.
GetMinimumRetryDelayRetrieves the minimum length of time that the service waits after encountering a transient error condition before trying to transfer the file.
GetNoProgressTimeoutRetrieves the length of time that the service tries to transfer the file after a transient error condition occurs. If there is progress, the timer is reset.
GetNotifyCmdLineRetrieves the program to execute when the job enters the error or transferred state.
GetNotifyFlagsRetrieves the event notification flags for the job.
GetNotifyInterfaceRetrieves the interface pointer to your implementation of the IBackgroundCopyCallback interface.
GetObjectUse the GetObject method to retrieve a pointer to the IBITSExtensionSetup interface. This method performs the same binding that the ADsGetObject ADSI function performs.
GetOriginUrlGets the origin URL of the cached file.
GetOwnerRetrieves the identity of the job's owner.
GetOwnerElevationStateGets a value that determines if the token of the owner was elevated at the time they created or took ownership of the job.
GetOwnerIntegrityLevelGets the integrity level of the token of the owner that created or took ownership of the job.
GetPeerCachingFlagsRetrieves flags that determine if the files of the job can be cached and served to peers and if BITS can download content for the job from peers.
GetPeerDownloadStatsSpecifies statistics about the amount of data downloaded from peers and origin servers.
GetPeerNameGets the server principal name that uniquely identifies the peer.
GetPriorityRetrieves the priority level for the job. The priority level determines when the job is processed relative to other jobs in the transfer queue.
GetProgressRetrieves information on the progress of the file transfer.
GetProgressRetrieves job-related progress information, such as the number of bytes and files transferred.
GetProgressUse the GetProgress method to retrieve the progress of the download.
GetProgressUse the GetProgress method to retrieve the job's progress.
GetPropUse the GetProp method to retrieve a property value from the group.
GetPropertyGets a generic property of a BITS file transfer.
GetPropertyA generic method for getting BITS job properties.
GetProtocolRetrieves the protocol used to transfer the file. The remote file name identifies the protocol to use to transfer the file.
GetProxySettingsRetrieves the proxy information that the job uses to transfer the files.
GetRecordGets a record from the cache.
GetRemoteNameRetrieves the remote name of the file.
GetReplyDataRetrieves an in-memory copy of the reply data from the server application. Call this method only if the job's type is BG_JOB_TYPE_UPLOAD_REPLY and its state is BG_JOB_STATE_TRANSFERRED.
GetReplyFileNameRetrieves the name of the file that contains the reply data from the server application. Call this method only if the job type is BG_JOB_TYPE_UPLOAD_REPLY.
GetReplyProgressRetrieves progress information related to the transfer of the reply data from an upload-reply job.
GetSecurityFlagsRetrieves the flags for HTTP that determine whether the certificate revocation list is checked and certain certificate errors are ignored, and the policy to use when a server redirects the HTTP request.
GetStateRetrieves the state of the job.
GetStatusUse the GetStatus method to retrieve the state of the group.
GetStatusUse the GetStatus method to retrieve the state of the job.
GetTemporaryNameGets the full path of the temporary file that contains the content of the download.
GetTimesRetrieves job-related time stamps, such as the time that the job was created or last modified.
GetTypeRetrieves the type of transfer being performed, such as a file download or upload.
GetValidationStateGets the current validation state of this file.
IsAuthenticatedDetermines whether the peer is authenticated.
IsAvailableDetermines whether the peer is available (online) to serve content.
IsDownloadedFromPeerGets a value that determines if any part of the file was downloaded from a peer.
IsFileValidatedDetermines whether the file has been validated.
JobErrorBITS calls your implementation of the JobError method when the state of the job changes to BG_JOB_STATE_ERROR.
JobModificationBITS calls your implementation of the JobModification method when the job has been modified.
JobTransferredBITS calls your implementation of the JobTransferred method when all of the files in the job have been successfully transferred.
MakeCustomHeadersWriteOnlySets the HTTP custom headers for this job to be write-only.
NextRetrieves a specified number of items in the enumeration sequence. If there are fewer than the requested number of elements left in the sequence, it retrieves the remaining elements.
NextRetrieves a specified number of items in the enumeration sequence. If there are fewer than the requested number of elements left in the sequence, it retrieves the remaining elements.
NextRetrieves a specified number of items in the enumeration sequence. If there are fewer than the requested number of elements left in the sequence, it retrieves the remaining elements.
NextRetrieves a specified number of items in the enumeration sequence. If there are fewer than the requested number of elements left in the sequence, it retrieves the remaining elements.
NextUse the Next method to retrieve the specified number of items in the enumeration sequence. If there are fewer than the requested number of elements left in the sequence, it retrieves the remaining elements.
NextUse the Next method to retrieve the specified number of items in the enumeration sequence. If there are fewer than the requested number of elements left in the sequence, it retrieves the remaining elements.
OnStatusImplement the OnStatus method to receive notification when the group is complete or an error occurs.
RemoveClientCertificateRemoves the client certificate from the job.
RemoveCredentialsRemoves credentials from use. The credentials must match an existing target and scheme pair that you specified using the IBackgroundCopyJob2::SetCredentials method. There is no method to retrieve the credentials you have set.
ReplaceRemotePrefixReplaces the beginning text of all remote names in the download job with the specified string.
RequestFileRangesAdds a new set of file ranges to be prioritized for download.
ResetResets the enumeration sequence to the beginning.
ResetResets the enumeration sequence to the beginning.
ResetResets the enumeration sequence to the beginning.
ResetResets the enumeration sequence to the beginning.
ResetUse the Reset method to reset the enumeration sequence to the beginning.
ResetUse the Reset method to reset the enumeration sequence to the beginning.
ResumeActivates a new job or restarts a job that has been suspended.
ResumeGroupUse the ResumeGroup method to start a group that has been suspended in the download queue.
SetClientCertificateByIDSpecifies the identifier of the client certificate to use for client authentication in an HTTPS (SSL) request.
SetClientCertificateByNameSpecifies the subject name of the client certificate to use for client authentication in an HTTPS (SSL) request.
SetConfigurationFlagsSets the configuration flags that determine if the computer can serve content to peers and can download content from peers.
SetCredentialsSpecifies the credentials to use for a proxy or remote server user authentication request.
SetCustomHeadersSpecifies one or more custom HTTP headers to include in HTTP requests.
SetDescriptionProvides a description of the job.
SetDisplayNameSpecifies a display name for the job. Typically, you use the display name to identify the job in a user interface.
SetFileACLFlagsSpecifies the owner and ACL information to maintain when using SMB to download or upload a file.
SetHelperTokenSets the helper token to impersonate the token of the COM client.
SetHelperTokenFlagsSets the usage flags for a token that is associated with a BITS transfer job.
SetHttpMethodOverrides the default HTTP method used for a BITS transfer.
SetMaximumCacheSizeSpecifies the maximum size of the cache.
SetMaximumContentAgeSpecifies when files are removed from the cache based on age.
SetMaximumDownloadTimeSets the maximum time that BITS will spend transferring the files in the job.
SetMinimumRetryDelaySets the minimum length of time that BITS waits after encountering a transient error condition before trying to transfer the file.
SetNoProgressTimeoutSets the length of time that BITS tries to transfer the file after a transient error condition occurs. If there is progress, the timer is reset.
SetNotifyCmdLineSpecifies a program to execute if the job enters the BG_JOB_STATE_ERROR or BG_JOB_STATE_TRANSFERRED state. BITS executes the program in the context of the user who called this method.
SetNotifyFlagsSpecifies the type of event notification you want to receive, such as job transferred events.
SetNotifyInterfaceIdentifies your implementation of the IBackgroundCopyCallback interface to BITS. Use the IBackgroundCopyCallback interface to receive notification of job-related events.
SetPeerCachingFlagsSets flags that determine if the files of the job can be cached and served to peers and if the job can download content from peers.
SetPrioritySpecifies the priority level of your job. The priority level determines when your job is processed relative to other jobs in the transfer queue.
SetPropUse the SetProp method to set the property value for a group property.
SetPropertySets a generic property of a BITS file transfer.
SetPropertyA generic method for setting BITS job properties.
SetProxySettingsSpecifies which proxy to use to transfer files.
SetRemoteNameChanges the remote name to a new URL in a download job.
SetReplyFileNameSpecifies the name of the file to contain the reply data from the server application. Call this method only if the job's type is BG_JOB_TYPE_UPLOAD_REPLY.
SetSecurityFlagsSets flags for HTTP that determine whether the certificate revocation list is checked and certain certificate errors are ignored, and the policy to use when a server redirects the HTTP request.
SetServerCertificateValidationInterfaceServer certificates are sent when an HTTPS connection is opened. Use this method to set a callback to be called to validate those server certificates.
SetValidationStateSets the validation state of this file.
SkipSkips the next specified number of elements in the enumeration sequence. If there are fewer elements left in the sequence than the requested number of elements to skip, it skips past the last element in the sequence.
SkipSkips the next specified number of elements in the enumeration sequence. If there are fewer elements left in the sequence than the requested number of elements to skip, it skips past the last element in the sequence.
SkipSkips the next specified number of elements in the enumeration sequence. If there are fewer elements left in the sequence than the requested number of elements to skip, it skips past the last element in the sequence.
SkipSkips the next specified number of elements in the enumeration sequence. If there are fewer elements left in the sequence than the requested number of elements to skip, it skips past the last element in the sequence.
SkipUse the Skip method to skip the next specified number of elements in the enumeration sequence. If there are fewer elements left in the sequence than the requested number of elements to skip, it skips past the last element in the sequence.
SkipUse the Skip method to skip the next specified number of elements in the enumeration sequence. If there are fewer elements left in the sequence than the requested number of elements to skip, it skips past the last element in the sequence.
SuspendSuspends a job. New jobs, jobs that are in error, and jobs that have finished transferring files are automatically suspended.
SuspendGroupUse the SuspendGroup method to pause a group in the download queue. New groups, groups that are in error, or groups that have finished downloading are automatically suspended.
SwitchToForegroundUse the SwitchToForeground method to download the group in the foreground instead of the background.
TakeOwnershipChanges ownership of the job to the current user.
UpdateDownloadPositionSpecifies a position to prioritize downloading missing data from.
ValidateServerCertificateA callback method that you implement that will be called so that you can validate the server certificates sent when an HTTPS connection is opened.


IBackgroundCopyCallbackImplement the IBackgroundCopyCallback interface to receive notification that a job is complete, has been modified, or is in error. Clients use this interface instead of polling for the status of the job.
IBackgroundCopyCallback1Implement the IBackgroundCopyCallback1 interface to receive notification when events occur.
IBackgroundCopyCallback2Implement this interface to receive notification that a file has completed downloading.
IBackgroundCopyCallback3Clients implement the IBackgroundCopyCallback3 interface to receive notification that ranges of a file have completed downloading.
IBackgroundCopyErrorUse the IBackgroundCopyError interface to determine the cause of an error and if the transfer process can proceed.
IBackgroundCopyFileIBackgroundCopyFile contains information about a file that is part of a job. For example, you can use IBackgroundCopyFile methods to retrieve the local and remote names of the file and transfer progress information.
IBackgroundCopyFile2Use the IBackgroundCopyFile2 interface to specify a new remote name for the file and retrieve the list of ranges to download.
IBackgroundCopyFile3Use this interface to retrieve the name of the temporary file that contains the downloaded content and to validate the file so that peers can request its content.
IBackgroundCopyFile4Use this interface to retrieve download statistics for peers and origin servers.
IBackgroundCopyFile5Use this interface to get or set generic properties of BITS file transfers.
IBackgroundCopyFile6Use this interface to request file ranges for On Demand download jobs.
IBackgroundCopyGroupUse the IBackgroundCopyGroup interface to manage a group. A group contains download jobs. For example, add a job to the group, set the properties of the group, and start and stop the group in the download queue.
IBackgroundCopyJobUse the IBackgroundCopyJob interface to add files to the job, set the priority level of the job, determine the state of the job, and to start and stop the job.
IBackgroundCopyJob1Use the IBackgroundCopyJob1 interface to add files to the job and retrieve the job's status.
IBackgroundCopyJob2Retrieve reply data from an upload-reply job, determine the progress of the reply data transfer to the client, request command line execution, and provide credentials for proxy and remote server authentication requests.
IBackgroundCopyJob3Use the IBackgroundCopyJob3 interface to download ranges of a file and change the prefix of a remote file name.
IBackgroundCopyJob4Use this interface to enable peer caching, restrict download time, and inspect user token characteristics.
IBackgroundCopyJob5Use this interface to query or set several optional behaviors of a job.
IBackgroundCopyJobHttpOptionsUse this interface to specify client certificates for certificate-based client authentication and custom headers for HTTP requests.
IBackgroundCopyJobHttpOptions2Use this interface to retrieve and/or to override the HTTP method used for a BITS transfer.
IBackgroundCopyJobHttpOptions3Use this interface to set HTTP customer headers to write-only, or to set a server certificate validation callback method that you've implemented.
IBackgroundCopyManagerCreates transfer jobs, retrieves an enumerator object that contains the jobs in the queue, and retrieves individual jobs from the queue.
IBackgroundCopyQMgrUse the IBackgroundCopyQMgr interface to create a new group, retrieve an existing group, or enumerate all groups in the queue. A group contains a download job.
IBackgroundCopyServerCertificateValidationCallbackServer certificates are sent when an HTTPS connection is opened. Use this method to implement a callback to be called to validate those server certificates.
IBITSExtensionSetupUse the IBITSExtensionSetup interface to enable or disable BITS uploads to a virtual directory.
IBITSExtensionSetupFactoryUse the IBITSExtensionSetupFactory interface to get a pointer to the IBITSExtensionSetup interface.
IBitsPeerUse IBitsPeer to get information about a peer in the neighborhood.
IBitsPeerCacheAdministrationUse IBitsPeerCacheAdministration to manage the pool of peers from which you can download content.
IBitsPeerCacheRecordUse IBitsPeerCacheRecord to get information about a file in the cache.
IBitsTokenOptionsUse IBitsTokenOptions to associate and manage a pair of security tokens for a Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) transfer job.
IEnumBackgroundCopyFilesUse the IEnumBackgroundCopyFiles interface to enumerate the files that a job contains. To get an IEnumBackgroundCopyFiles interface pointer, call the IBackgroundCopyJob::EnumFiles method.
IEnumBackgroundCopyGroupsUse the IEnumBackgroundCopyGroups interface to enumerate the list of groups in the download queue. To get an IEnumBackgroundCopyGroups interface pointer, call the IBackgroundCopyQMgr::EnumGroups method.
IEnumBackgroundCopyJobsUse the IEnumBackgroundCopyJobs interface to enumerate the list of jobs in the transfer queue. To get an IEnumBackgroundCopyJobs interface pointer, call the IBackgroundCopyManager::EnumJobs method.
IEnumBackgroundCopyJobs1Use the IEnumBackgroundCopyJobs1 interface to enumerate the list of jobs in a group. To get an IEnumBackgroundCopyJobs1 interface pointer, call the IBackgroundCopyGroup::EnumJobs method.
IEnumBitsPeerCacheRecordsUse IEnumBitsPeerCacheRecords to enumerate the records of the cache.
IEnumBitsPeersUse IEnumBitsPeers to enumerate the list of peers that BITS has discovered.


BG_AUTH_CREDENTIALSIdentifies the target (proxy or server), authentication scheme, and the user's credentials to use for user authentication requests. The structure is passed to the IBackgroundCopyJob2::SetCredentials method.
BG_AUTH_CREDENTIALS_UNIONIdentifies the credentials to use for the authentication scheme specified in the BG_AUTH_CREDENTIALS structure.
BG_BASIC_CREDENTIALSThe BG_BASIC_CREDENTIALS structure identifies the user name and password to authenticate.
BG_FILE_INFOProvides the local and remote names of the file to transfer.
BG_FILE_PROGRESSProvides file-related progress information, such as the number of bytes transferred.
BG_FILE_RANGEIdentifies a range of bytes to download from a file.
BG_JOB_PROGRESSProvides job-related progress information, such as the number of bytes and files transferred.
BG_JOB_REPLY_PROGRESSProvides progress information related to the reply portion of an upload-reply job.
BG_JOB_TIMESProvides job-related time stamps.
BITS_FILE_PROPERTY_VALUEProvides the property value of a BITS file.
BITS_JOB_PROPERTY_VALUEProvides the property value of the BITS job based on the value of the BITS_JOB_PROPERTY_ID enumeration.
FILESETINFOThe FILESETINFO structure identifies the remote and local names of the file to download.

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