Microsoft Office Mac 2011 Page Background Color

Posted : admin On 03.04.2020

The Remove Background option is among PowerPoint's newest and most wonderful abilities. It lets you remove thebackground from an inserted picture --this can be a great feature if you want to remove a sky, a wall, any backdrop, or something else in a photograph so that the slidebackground shows through as transparent within the removed parts of the picture.
Follow these steps to learn how the Remove Background option works:

Microsoft Office Mac 2011 Page Background Colors

When you print a Microsoft Office Word document that includes a background, the background is not printed. Examples of things that can be on a background include colors, pictures, or themes. This issue may also occur when you use Word as your e-mail editor and you print an e-mail message that includes a background.

  • Apr 06, 2015  In the Microsoft Office 2011 14.4.9 Update volume window, double-click the Office 2011 14.4.9 Update application to start the update process, and then follow the instructions on the screen. If the installation finishes successfully, you can remove the update installer from your hard disk.
  • Jan 21, 2019  Many Office users really like the distinct colors of Office apps because it offers an immediate visual cue as to what app is actively in use, but other Office users may prefer to have Word, Excel, Powerpoint, or Outlook look more like the general appearance theme on the Mac. Microsoft Office 2011 for Mac now available for pre-order; How to.
  1. Before you start, we assume you already have apicture inserted on your slide.It helps if the parts of the picture you want to remove are fairly different in color from the rest of the picture, although as you getmore proficient with PowerPoint's Remove Background option, you will be able to work with more complicated compositions. Look at oursample picture, as shown in Figure 1 -- you will notice that the color of the flower is distinctly different fromthe rest of the picture.
    Figure 1: Picture with fairly distinct background and foreground areas
    Note: If your picture is busy and does not have clearly demarcated areas, then explore ourAdvanced Remove Background Options for Pictures tutorial.
  2. Select the picture to bring up the Format Picture tab (highlighted in red withinFigure 2) of theRibbon. Activate this contextual tab by clicking on it -- locatethe Adjust group, and click the Remove Background button (highlighted inblue within Figure 2).
    Figure 2: Remove Background button within Format Picture tab of the Ribbon
    Once you click the Remove Background button, PowerPoint makes a guess and shows the areas that it ascertains you want toremove (see Figure 3).
    Figure 3: Background area selected by default for removal
    In addition, note these changes in the PowerPoint interface:
    1. You will see a selection box, indicated by the eight handles shown in Figure 3. You use these handles to resize theselection box.
    2. You will also see the Background Removal message window providing you with the instructions for removing the picturebackground. Of course, you can close it at any time by clicking the Close (x) button on its top left.
    3. The active slide within the Slides Pane willshow a preview of the picture with the background areas removed, as shown highlighted in green within Figure 3. Nothing isremoved yet -- this is just a preview.
  3. You can see that a major portion of the picture has been covered with a magenta overlay. This magenta overlay indicates thebackground areas to be removed. Only those areas that still show the original colors of the picture will be retained.
    At this stage, you need to drag the handles of the selection box to help PowerPoint decide the areas of the picture you want to remove orretain as explained below:
    1. You can remove more areas by making the selection box smaller. Click on any of the handles and drag inside the picture area -- wait for a while for PowerPoint to add more magenta areas to your picture.

    2. You can retain areas by making the selection box larger. Click and drag any of the handles outwards -- youcan press the Command key and drag any one of the four corner handles outwards to select all areas of the picture asshown in Figure 4, below. Again, wait for a whilethereafter for PowerPoint to reduce the magenta areas within your picture.

    Microsoft outlook for mac not sending emails. Figure 4 shows the picture with the selection box resized to reduce the magenta areas. Compare the areashighlighted in magenta in Figures 3 and 4.
    Figure 4: Magenta overlaid areas reduced by enlarging the selection box

    For simple pictures, this is all you need to do. If you are happy with the results, go ahead and click anywhere on the slide outsidethe picture, or just press the Return key on your keyboard. This will make all magenta overlaid background areas of theselected picture transparent, as shown in Figure 5 below. In our case, this approach worked – If your picture is busyand does not have clearly demarcated areas, then explore our Advanced Remove Background Options for Pictures tutorial.
    Figure 5: Picture with background removed

  4. Save your presentation.
Tip: The Remove Background works not only with inserted pictures, but also works with anypicture that is used as a fill for a shape.

See Also:
Remove Background from Pictures in PowerPoint2016 for Windows
Remove Background from Pictures in PowerPoint2013 for Windows
Advanced Remove BackgroundOptions for Pictures in PowerPoint 2011 for Mac
Remove Background from Pictures inPowerPoint 2010 for Windows

Resources from Microsoft:
TheMagic of Background Removal by Tucker Hatfield
More About Background Removal in Office 2010 by Tucker Hatfield

Microsoft Office Mac 2011 Page Background Color

Microsoft Office Mac 2011 Page Background Color Html

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Microsoft Office Mac 2011 Page Background Color Code

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